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“The Psalter is the book of all saints, and everyone, whatever his situation may be, finds psalms and words in that fit his situation and apply to his case so exactly that it seems they were in this way only for his sake”  - Martin Luther

Young people have a phrase: “I feel seen.” They say this when they feel understood, acknowledged, or recognized. To “feel seen” is to have your circumstances, your experiences, your feelings empathized with.

For all people, it is important to “feel seen” every now and then. This is especially true when we are struggling in difficult times. The pain of going through hardship can be so isolating. How many of us suffer in silence over our trials and tribulations?

This is why I have found it comforting to turn to the Psalms in difficult times. The Psalms have been called the “prayer book of the Bible.” In the Psalms, we heard the prayers of God’s people from a wide variety of times and places. It is the collection of people calling out to God in prayer, praise, thanksgiving, sorrow, lament, and even anger.

Like poetry or music, the Psalms don’t fit just one set of circumstances. They can reflect our circumstances. In them, we hear the voice of faith calling out to God. That is the same faith that we have. In them we can hear our cries. In the Psalms the people of God through the ages are “seen. In them, we are “seen.”

Most importantly, the Psalms assure us that God “sees” us. He does not ignore us in our time of need. As our loving Father, He desires for us to come to Him in all things, in times of joy and sorrow. He answers our every prayer.

The Psalms show us that we are in the company of all the saints, and that we are in the company of God Himself. What Psalms do you turn to for comfort or encouragement?


Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord!
    O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
    to the voice of my pleas for mercy! (Psalm 130:1-2)