Timothy Lutheran Church is a diverse City church serving as a bold witness to the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ.
From our Neighborhood to the Nations.
We are a congregation of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod established in 1927.
1925 - The need for a church
The story of Timothy's ministry in Southwest St. Louis began in 1925, when a 70'x 165' vacant lot on the corner of Fyler and Ivanhoe blossomed with a sign announcing that a Lutheran church would soon be erected on the site.
1927 - The Chapel dedicated
In the Summer of 1927 the first church building, a frame chapel, 26' x 50', was dedicated. The dedication took place at 3 :00 PM on Sunday, August 7, under the auspices of the
Mission Board of the Western District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod together with a group of Lutherans living in the neighborhood who were members of Concordia,
Maplewood, St. Peters, Christ of Webster Groves, Hope, and various other Lutheran
churches throughout the city.
1960 - The current sanctary
Groundbreaking ceremonies for a new sanctuary .were held on the corner lot at Fyler
and Ivanhoe. On Sunday, October 2, 1960, the present sanctuary was dedicated. Speakers for the various services included Rev. Walther W. Soeldner, Rev. C. F. Knauft, then of
Milford, Illinois, Rev. Oscar Bohnert from Hope Lutheran Church in St. Louis, and Dr.
Arthur C. Repp of Concordia Seminary.
Eichhorn , A., Ziems , J., & Meyer , C. (n.d.). Seventy Years of People Meeting Jesus.