Classes for Children/Families:  

Each Sunday Schedule - begin in SS rooms and closing is in the Gym
9:30am    Children PK through Grade 6 begin in grade-assigned rooms with SS Teacher
10:15am   Closing Time (Music, Kids share what they learned, wrapup, prayer)
    • Family Invited - Parents, grandparents, and all join us for closing

Sunday School & Adult Bible Classes at 9:30 am 

PreK—Kindergarten—1st Grade

North Side Preschool Wing Room: 

Teachers Gina Hawkins and Amanda Bello 

2nd to 4th Grade

South Side Preschool Wing Room: 

Teachers Erik Herrmann and Frank Kohn 

5th and 6th Grade

Middle Preschool Wing Room: 

Teachers Sue Koch and Megan Enderle

7th to 12th Grade

South Side, 3rd Floor 

Teachers Gary Krekow and Amanda Myers

Lastly, we will continue to provide material for Sunday School home connection, which supports and encourages parents to be that primary faith educator for their children that they have been called to be.  All parents are asked to talk about the lessons and Bible content throughout the week to nurture their child’s spiritual growth and support their faith.


We have a staffed nursery during the education hour and the late worship service for children under 5 who need some kid-friendly time on Sunday mornings

Adult Classes:  

  • Sunday Multi-Purpose Room Class – led by Pastor Dinger and others
  • Sunday Lectionary Readings Bible Study in 3rd Floor Class – led by Seminary Fieldwork Students
  • Sunday Study with The Bible Project Video in Sanctuary basement – led by Jessica Bordeleau
  • Wednesday Morning Bible Study in the Multi-Purpose Room – led by Matt Gerzevske, Pastoral Assistant (10:00-11:00am)
  • Start your own group to live out Faith Active In The Home


We have all 7-12 Grade Youth meeting in the new Sr. Youth Room (3rd Floor South Room) each Sunday with Gary Krekow and Amanda Myers teaching



Confirmation Classes for our students in 7th and 8th grades


First Communion Classes:  

Pastor Dinger led First Communion Classes beginning January 12 to February 2.
Stay tuned for the next round of classes--


New To Timothy Classes:  

A few times throughout the year we will offer series of classes for people who are new to the Lutheran faith and Timothy.  


I pray that you find a place of learning and fellowship that will support your faith and enourage others in their faith.


In Christ,
Mark Thompson, DCE