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This past week we experienced something rare – an extra day on February 29, Yet, just as quickly, we find ourselves losing an hour of sleep due to Daylight Saving Time this week.  It reminds us that Time is a precious commodity and it is fleeting.  We can’t make any more of it and no matter our status, wealth, or circumstances, we all have the same amount of it each day.

 So, what will you do with the time that you have been given?  What will you choose to do with the time that God has set before you? 

It is easy to squander time - We can make some pretty poor choices - It's easy to squander time—mindlessly scrolling on our phones, binging TV shows, or overloading ourselves with work at the expense of relationships. Yet, God calls us to something greater.


God urges us in Ephesians 5:16-17  - Make the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

While our time is limited - God’s is unlimited.  Our days are numbered, His love, His power, His mercy and purposes are infinite.  God makes time for you - just you.  He took the time to save you.  And today he takes the time for just you to guide you, provide for you and protect you.

How will you use your fleeting time today?  Can you spend it moments of prayer?  Can you give of it to encourage someone?  Can you share God’s love in the way you use yoru time?  When we give our time to God, He transforms it into something eternal—something that echoes beyond the ticking of the clock and the turning of the calendar. 

Today, use your limited time for the unlimited purposes of God.