While the council did not meet in January, we did hold of voter's meeting on Sunday 1/21 after later service in the multipurpose room and online.
- Pastor Dinger summarized the annual report, which is now available. Please pick up a copy from the narthex or download it from our website.
- The budget committee provided three budget options. While the council endorsed option 3, a motion from the floor created option 4, which was eventually approved by the voters
- no salary change, $5000 deficit
- 2% salary cut, balanced
- use restricted funds to support specific expenses in lieu of general fund, no salary change, $3,000 surplus
- use restricted funds to support specific expenses in lieu of general fund, increase salaries per district guidelines, $5,525 deficit
- Elections were held, resulting in the new representatives below. Thank you also to those who have served.
- Council (3-year terms)
- Margaret Rall (second term)
- Diane Saleska (second term)
- Peter Oschwald (replacing Scott Smithson after 2 terms)
- Word of Life School Board (2-year terms)
- Jeremy Knapp (replacing Amanda Bello after 3 terms)
- Greg Poppitz (replacing Gina Hawkins after 3 terms)
- Strategic Planning: As recommended by the council the voters approved a $10,000 contract with Dale Krienkamp to assist us with strategic planning over the course of the year. Half the cost will be reimbursed by the Lutheran Foundation. Dale will be meeting with groups of members in the months ahead, helping us establish a clearer vision for the future of our congregation.
The council typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month, and will resume on 2/13 at 6:30pm.
-Steve Meyer, council chair