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After taking April off, Timothy's council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday 5/14. WOL Principal Melissa Bergholt provided an update, including the proposed budget for the 2024-2025 schoolyear, which was approved. We also appointed Scott Smithson as our representative to WOL's endowment committee. 

We discussed the great participation in the visioning focus groups. The next step will be for Pastor Dinger, John Hagan, and Steve Meyer to assemble a committee of approximately 12 members to meet with Dale, our facilitator, and go over his findings. 

A committee consisting of Holly Feldman, Diane Saleska, Peter Oschwald, and Walt Winters is reviewing several long-term investments held by Timothy. These are primarily gifts/bequests that were left to the congregation by members when they passed away. Some left instructions on how to handle the funds, while others left it up to the congregation. The committee will work to better define the purposes and intentions for each of these resources, providing written guidelines to be adopted and memorialized for future leadership. That determination will then help us invest the funds appropriately. 

Greg Poppitz and Pastor Dinger reported on repairs that were recently made outside of the gym. The 4" water service had sprung a slow but substantial leak, which had to be repaired. Greg is now getting bids to repair the asphalt and reseal the whole parking lot. 

Longtime Timothy member Matt Gerzevske is pursuing his doctorate at the seminary, and  has expressed interest in ordination and serving as a called pastor during that time. Timothy's had similar arrangements in the past with Erik Hermann and Mike Zeigler. The council voted to form a call committee in conjunction with the elders. This committee will discuss the job description and compensation. Our own Glenn Nielsen arranges these placements for the seminary, and will assist us in the process. 

Lastly, we discussed some challenges with our microphones and amplification during services. We are considering whether to invest in different microphones or personal listening devices, such as headphones or transmitters that communicate with bluetooth-enabled hearing aids. If you have experience or knowledge regarding such devices, please take to Pastor Dinger or Steve. We certainly don't want to invest in technology unless it is going to be utilized.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 11th, at 6:30.

-Steve Meyer, Council Chair