Prayer Chain

Signups online or in the narthex.


Adult Bible Class – Basement, Room #2, Teacher Jessica Bordeleau

"When Jesus ascended into heaven, he told his disciples that he would always be with them. The book of Acts shows how the Lord continued to work in his people through the Holy Spirit. Join us for Bible Project videos and discussion as we explore the book of Acts!"


Come Explore the Big Story of the Bible!

Come explore the overarching story of Scripture—from Creation to Christ to the New Creation. This study will help us explore God's Word as it all fits together as one big story of God’s love and redemption.

March 2 - May 25, Multipurpose Room

Everyone is welcome! Whether you’re new to the Bible or have studied it for years, this study will deepen your understanding and faith. We hope to see you there!


Lenten Midweek

Join us for our Lenten midweek series,

"10 Reasons the Resurrection Changes Everything." Explore how Jesus' victory transforms our lives today. Services are on Wednesdays at 5:00 & 7:00 p.m., with a FREE meal at 6:00.

Come be renewed in hope!


Please save your scrap metal to donate this April.


Community Needs      Assessment Survey

As part of our strategic planning process, we want to better understand the needs of our community. Your input is invaluable! Please take a few minutes to complete our Community Needs Assessment Survey at

Return surveys online, by the church office,

or in the brown wood offering box.

Goal: 1000; print version available. Please share!


Timothy Devotional Blog!

Our weekly blog features devotional writings from our pastors, ministry staff, and other leaders.

Be inspired and encouraged as we share reflections on faith and life.

Visit to read the latest posts and grow with us each week!


Food Pantry

The pantry is very well stocked except for a few items. The pantry needs the following:

cereal, canned spaghetti sauce, toothpaste, toothbrushes, dish detergent, bath soap, canned pineapple, canned fruit, and toilet paper.

We request no more donations of canned corn and green beans as those are overstocked.


Egg Hunt Volunteers Needed  

We are back for our 28th year of outreach in Lindenwood Park. On April 12 we are back for our annual Egg Hunt! We are looking for:

Check-in (formerly


Bubble Fun Creators

Egg Zone Patrols



Set-up Stars      Egg Hunt Leadership /


Face Painters

Game Leaders

Craft Helpers




Contact DCE Mark to volunteer or get more information.


Youth Gathering Envelope Fundraiser           

You can support our youth attending the 2025 LCMS Gathering at various dollar amounts ranging from 1 to 100 dollars. Pick the envelope with the dollar number you choose and fill out the paper inside the envelope and place your donation inside. Then put your envelope in the offering box or plate. If we get all 100 envelopes back with donations, we will raise over $5,000 for our gathering expenses.

Half of the envelopes still remain, so please give now to join together in support of our youth in this faith-forming and life-changing opportunity.

For more information:  talk to Mark or one of the youth or go to

THANK YOU for your support!  


LASM News     

Ecumenical Bible Study

Memorial Hall of Southwest Baptist Church (6401 Scanlan) at 1 pm on Wednesdays, March 5, 12, April 2, 9. Please RSVP to attend one or more sessions by contacting or 314-647-4591.

Annual Spring Fling

Wednesday, March 26th, 11:30 am – 2:30 pm

Epiphany of Our Lord Gym, 6596 Smiley at Ivanhoe.

Tickets: $25 in advance, $30 at door.

To purchase tickets, visit

or contact Timothy Lutheran’s ticket salesperson, Connie Copley at 314-570-0739.

 Tables of 10 can be reserved, otherwise open seating. Please contact the LASM office (314-647-4591) if you need a ride to the event.

We look forward to seeing you there!