Timothy Newsletter

February 9th, 2025

                A bold witness to the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ,

From our Neighborhood to the Nations


Introducing the Timothy Devotional Blog!

We’re excited to launch a new weekly blog featuring devotional writings from our pastors, ministry staff, and other leaders. Be inspired and encouraged as we share reflections on faith and life. Visit www.timothystl.org/blog to read the latest posts and grow with us each week!


Community Needs   Assessment Survey

As part of our strategic planning process, we want to better understand the needs of our community. Your input is invaluable! Please take a few minutes to complete our Community Needs Assessment Survey at www.timothystl.org/survey and help us identify ways we can serve more effectively.  Print copies are also available.

We have a BIG goal—1,000 completed surveys! To reach it, we need your help in spreading the word. Please share this survey with friends, neighbors, and others in the community who may not be part of our church. Every response brings us closer to making a greater impact.

Thank you for being a vital part of our church’s vision


Timothy MDO               Updates

New Infant Room Coming Soon!

We’re excited to announce the opening of a new infant room in our daycare for children ages 12 weeks to 1 year old! Care will be available from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. As we prepare, we’re seeking donations of infant items like pack-and-plays, floor mats, and age-appropriate toys. If you'd like to bless our ministry with a donation or have questions, please contact Pastor Dinger. Thank you for your support!


WOL Teaching Position         ’25-26

WOL is now accepting resumes for a new teaching position we are adding in 2025-2026!  Responsibilities include teaching K-8 PE classes, several Middle School Math classes, and serving as Athletic Director.  For more information or to apply contact Principal Bergholt at mbergholt@wordoflifeschool.net or 314-832-1244. Go Cougars!


Save the Date! Handbells & Chocolates

Sunday, February 23rd, 2:30-4:30 pm

Christ Memorial Lutheran Church

5252 S. Lindbergh Blvd, 63126

Featuring the Missouri Baptist University Ringers

Hosted by: Christ Memorial Ringers, Jubilee Ringers

Treat someone you love to the angelic sound of handbells and a heavenly chocolate reception following the performance!

Suggested Donation: $5


Living Our Vision: Embracing God’s Call Sermon Series

It’s a sermon series and a call to action.

Sundays January 19 to March 2

Timothy’s new strategic plan: Acceptance, Christian Education, Outreach, and Worship.


Become a community that welcomes all, equips lifelong disciples, shares the love of Christ, and gathers in vibrant worship.


Connect these values to Scripture, ground our shared vision in God’s Word and His mission for us, and build deeper connections through partnering with our school ministry.

We are to engage the lives in our community with Christ’s love, and develop small groups of fellowship and service.

These are merely first steps into this season of living out our mission and vision. Let’s move forward in faith, united in God’s purpose for us.