Stephen Minister training begins August 18. See Pastor Dinger and Jim Smith to learn more and get an application. Pray about participating in this amazing ministry that has been part of Timothy for 35 years!
I would also like to share with you the following article and video:
Refusing to Give Up on Me (
A number of years ago, we had the opportunity to interview “Rudy” (name changed to preserve confidentiality) about the difference having a Stephen Minister made in his life. Recently, we talked with Rudy again, and he gave us permission to share what’s happened since then:
Every day thousands of hurting people receive a visit from a Stephen Minister—experiencing Christ’s healing love through a one-to-one relationship in the same way that Rudy did.
All of us at Stephen Ministries are thankful for the life-changing ministry you and your Stephen Ministry team provide to hurting people in your congregation and community.
May God continue to richly bless your caring!