Timothy's Council met on Tuesday 3/11 for the monthly meeting. While we have wrapped up the creation of our strategic plan, we are now working to follow through with the priorities established over the past year. To that end, we have one-year and three-year goals that we are tracking and working to achieve, such as number of people volunteering, supporting Word of Life school, and providing more fellowship opportunities. Be on the lookout for more ways to get involved in the coming months.
While longtime members may remember names like Hattie Blum and Iris Guenther, newer members may not be familiar with these sainted members who left significant bequests to Timothy. Gifts from these generous members and others provide scholarships and help support our congregation financially. Were it not for income generated from these gifts, we would have a significant budget deficit. We will be working with the LCMS Foundation to better manage and invest those funds in the coming months. Additionally, we will be developing written guidelines as to how those funds are to be invested and used going forward. Ideally, our weekly giving would cover all of our ongoing/operational costs, and we could utilize these funds for special efforts and growth opportunities.
One rising cost that we don't have much control over is property insurance. Our current carrier has informed us that our policy cost will increase by $40,000 annually after April 12th. Thus, we are looking for other options. If you know of someone that insures churches, please tell Pastor Dinger.
If you have questions about church council, please speak to one of the elected members: Adrian Bordeleau, Diane Saleska, Holly Feldman, Leah Sieveking, Margaret Rall, Marla Steenbock, Peter Oschwald, Tiffany Wohlstadter, or myself.
-Steve Meyer
Thrivent Members-don't let your Action Teams go to waste. You should be eligible for two each year, which includes $250 in seed money. This seed money has been used by members for youth fundraisers, the Christmas Market, and many other efforts. For the past few years, I've used one of my action teams to purchase items for Timothy’s Food Pantry. After filing out a simple online form, Thrivent will send you a gift card, which you can then take to the grocery store. Not sure who to fill out the form? Shoot me an email, and I'll send you a copy of my application and screenshots of the process. stevemeyer1979@gmail.com