About Us


From our neighborhood and to the nations, Timothy will embrace the God-given value in all people by listening to others, loving as Jesus has loved us, living a daily faith in Jesus Christ, leading others to find healing for their lives.


Because Jesus has comes as crucified and risen king, a new world has begun.  Participating with Jesus, we will work to bring his healing of the nations in injustice, poverty, public square, economics, creation, by bringing his healing, forgiveness and new starts here and now beginning in our neighborhood.  And so we listen to the pain of all, sacrificially love all by living a practical daily faith for all, lead others to him and find healing in their life.

The Cross

We preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and so, we preach Him and Him crucified. For it is through the mystery of the cross that we discover the way to God, the truth of who He is, and the life that only He can give.

The Community

We live life together. Discipleship occurs when we are intentional in living out the teachings of Jesus within community. We believe that the shallowness of much of what is called Christianity today, is due to the individualism that plagues our culture and, unfortunately, the church. We recognize and submit to the command of Scripture to love one another and this cannot happen if our lives do not connect to each other.

The City

We are committed to the city of St. Louis. This is the city to which we have been called. This is where we live. This is where we show others the love of Christ. We do not believe the gospel can change Saint Louis unless those who believe in the gospel invest their lives in the city for the glory of Jesus. We believe our neighborhood will be changed through proclamation of the gospel and intentional living, knowing that where Jesus is lifted up many will be drawn to Him.

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