PreK to Grade 2 - Gina & Amanda - Preschool Wing, North Classrooom
Grade 3 and 4 - Erik & Frank - Preschool Wing, South Classroom
Grade 5 & 6 - Sue & Megan - Preschool Wing, Middle Classroom
Winter Sunday School Lessons (2024-25)
Jan. 12 A Mighty Wonder—Creation (Lesson 1) Genesis 1:1–2:3
Jan. 19 The Fall and a Promise—Fall into Sin (Lesson 2) Genesis 3
Jan. 26 A New Beginning—Noah (Lesson 3) Genesis 6:11–22; 7:11-24; 8:13-22
Feb. 2 A Call to Action—Abram (Lesson 4) Genesis 12:1–9
Feb. 9 A Promising Dream—Jacob (Lesson 5) Genesis 28:10–22
Feb. 16 Hope in Hardship—Joseph (Lesson 6) Genesis 37; 45:1-10; 50:20
Feb. 23 Fiery Directions—Moses (Lesson 7) Exodus 2:23–3:22
Mar. 2 The Egypt Exit—Exodus (Lesson 8) Exodus 14
Mar. 9 A Loving Law—Ten Commandments (Lesson 9) Exodus 20:1-21
Mar. 16 The Land at Last—Joshua (Lesson 10) Joshua 3:1-4:18
Mar. 23 A Judge Leads—Gideon (Lesson 11) Judges 7:1–23
Mar. 30 A Prophet Serves—Samuel (Lesson 12) I Samuel 3
Apr. 6 A King Forever—David (Lesson 13) 1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 5:1-5; 7:4-17
Apr. 13 The King’s Table—Mephibosheth (Lesson 14) 2 Samuel 4:4; 9:1-13