Sunday Bible Fellowship for Youth

Our youth class is for grades 7-12 and is not a "class" like school.  There are couches.  There are snacks.  So many snacks.  There is sharing highs and lows from your week.  You read the Bible.  You talk about what you think and hear from the leaders.  You share some application to your life thoughts.  You pray for the concerns and needs of the group.  Lots of bonding.  Growing together with Jesus.

9:30 - 10:30am Sundays
Youth Room Bible Class - join us and bring a friend!
12 Timothy Youth Attending!

New Orleans here we come!

Fundraising still ahead - Let's keep our out of pocket costs low! 

2. Envelope Fundraiser - attendees sign up here to participate

3. Meal fundraisers ahead (Lent is March 5 | Easter Breakfast is April 12 & April 13)


SIGN UP Envelope Fundraiser Youth Participant
District Youth Weekend | | | 2025 APRIL 4-6
We are going back to CrossPointe Retreat Center to join other youth from our MO-District

The theme of our weekend is:  BELIEVE.

This event is for both high school and junior high youth!  Our main sessions will unite youth of all ages and adults to grow in faith through singing, learning, and experiences centered on Scripture.

We also recognize the differing needs of junior and senior high students, so we strive to provide tailored experiences for each group.  Senior high youth can attend breakout sessions led by passionate leaders on relevant topics, while junior high students engage in activities such as service projects, scavenger hunts, and games that promote fellowship.


District Gathering Promo Video
Youth News 

Join Our Sunday Bible Class at 9:30am for Grades 7-12 in Sr Youth Room. 

Bible Class Update - Youth are viewing and discussing The Chosen series

You can continue the learning and growing together in Christ at home this week.  Faith Active In The Home


Dates at a Glance

  • Mar. 22nd - Karoke Night with Timothy Congregation - we are moving Youth FunDay so we can have a fun time of singing and performing.  
  • Apr. 4-6 - District Youth Retreat at CrossPointe Retreat Center for youth grades 7-12
  • Apr. 12 - Easter Egg Hunt - Serving for youth grades 7-12
  • Apr. 19 - Easter Breakfast Set-Up
  • Apr. 20 - Easter Breakfast 
  • Apr. 26 - SHINE eRecycle - Scrap - Shred event
  • Jul. 19-23, 2025 Youth Gathering in New Orleans for Sr. High only


Upcoming Events 

Youth FunDay is Karaoke Night with Congregation - Youth Grades 7-12 

March 22nd starting at 5:00pm we will join the congregation for Karaoke, Potluck Meal and fun fellowshiop.  Bring a dish to share.  Bring your voice or just come to enjoy the song of others.  Our DJ is Steve Meyer.  Join us and bring the family!

2025 District Youth Retreat  - Youth Grades 7-12 

April 4-6, 2025 at CrossPointe Retreat Center.  The District Youth Retreat is a  great time with so many other teens from all around Missouri!  We will learn, play make new friends and grow together in Christ.  You are signed up to attend after paying $200 deposit and giving Mark your t-shirt size.

Youth Egg Hunt - SERVICE - Youth Grades 7-12 

April 12 Easter Egg Hunt teen helpers do an amazing job each year, and we need you again for the set-up, clean-up and helping in special roles like games and egg hunt zone helpers.

Youth Easter Breakfast - SET UP & SERVICE - Youth Grades 7-12 

April 19 Easter Breakfast Set-Up - we will gather in the gym for setup

April 20 Easter Breakfast Serving - we will serve the meal and clean up 

Scrap - Shred - eRecycle Shine Event  - Youth Grades 7-12 

April 26 SHINE eRecycle - Scrap - Shred event.  The District puts on an annual Shine event now for the fifth consecutive year in this statewide servant event. Based on Matthew 5:16, the Shine service encourage people of all ages and skillsets to serve their neighbors and be a witness for Jesus Christ.  Tell Mark your size for your Shine t-shirt.  From 9-12noon, but volunteers should arrive at 8:00am.

Past Events

March 5th we did a great job with the Youth Lenten Meal for Ash Wednesday.  We also picked up March 12 and March 19 with some help from Anabella. Thanks to all who participated and served!

February 2nd we took our FunDay on the road to a nerf battle with Christ Memorial.  It was great to have so many teens coming together for some Youth FunDay Nerf Fun along with good food and devotions.

January 12 we skated on a beautiful day in Forest Park for our Ice Skating Youth FunDay

December 18 we had some wonderful dishes and a good crowd for our Youth Advent Meal Fundraiser.  We raised a record amount for an advent meal.  Thanks to all who supported this fundraiser and service to the congregation. 

December 21 we went caroling in the neighborhood with our fellow Timothy members/families. 

December 18 we hosted the Youth Advent Fundraiser Meal and raised funds.  Families did a great job of bringing variety of hot dishes.  We recevied some postive comments and financial support from those who attended.

Christmas Market Fundraiser - Youth and families served to raise funds by selling cold beverages and pie slices at the Christmas Market.  Youth did a great job of setting up, cleaning up and selling with a smile.  Thanks to all the pie donation families!  Thanks to Amanda Bello for doing all the shopping, and we again appreciate Thrivent Action Team finanaical support.  We made around $400 in sales and donations.  

Friendsgiving Youth Special Event - on Nov. 24th - Jr. & Sr. High Youth joined youth from Christ Memorial and Peace Lutheran for a fun event.  In addition to a great Thanksgving style meal, we served shut-in, made baptism gift kits, thank you cards for SS teachers and assembled food pantry donations.  We also had a lot of fun fellowship with games, skits and other fun activities.  We also grew our faith in devotions and singing together.

Our October Funday was at Eckert's Millstadt Farm. It was some fun seasonal fun for Youth and their families, which included pig races, apple and pumpkins cannons, and tractor bike races.

Our September 8 Youth FunDay was lots of pizza, some basketball (or what is dodgeball?) board games and fun togehter!

F.A.I.T.H. Sunday Sept. 8th Youth helped Sunday School by leading a skit that reinforced our theme , helped lead songs, helped lead games and did a great job helping kids have a fun start to Fall Christian Education at Timothy.

We closed out the summer with a blast.  A Laser Blast!  August 11 we did some Laser Tag and games at The Edge!

We met up July 31 for simming fun with youth from Christian Friends of New Americans and Christ Memorial at the Jeffereson Barracks - The Pavilion pool.  It was cool fun on a hot day!

We had 14 teens serving at VBS Scuba Camp - and they did a great job helping children learn about Jesus and have a great time with their activities and songs and fun!

We had a great week on our 2024 Servant Event with youth from Missouri, Kansas and Minnesota at Heit's Point Camp.  Completed projects included:  cabin decks painted, machine shed equipment sorted, chapel area cleaned, new fire pit/worship area installed, retaining walls and dam rebuilt, ponds mucked out, as well as 3 homes in Lincoln, MO repaired.

Youth served Egg Hunt 2024 with a whole bunch of voluteers for another year at the park, reaching out with some seasonal fun for children and families 

Easter Breakfast 2024 we served a gym full of people with breakfast and fellowship and raised funds for our youth ministry.  Thanks to all the youth and parents who served with Saturday Set-up, Sunday prep, service and clean-up!

Youth SHINE Service Event - April 27  Our Youth did an amazing job serving with our congregation with our annual Shine Service Event (Scrap,Shred,Recycle)!

On Feb. 25 we had a meeting for Parents and Students about our Summer Trips in 2024 (Heit's Point Servant Event) and 2025 (Youth Gathering).  Information from the meeting (slides and audio and handouts) are available from DCEMark.


Paperwork needed for events...

Here is the paperwork we need for all youth events:

Timothy Medical Permission Liability Waiver

Support our Youth Gathering 2025!

We need our youth families to partcipate December 7th


1. Teens sign-up to work our beverage/pie sales table (online or Sundays with Mark)

2. Parents & teens - what pies and how many can you bring?  Bake or purchase...either is great!

3. Make sure to attend the shift you sign up for - Make sure to label your pies

4. Parents, please help us prep for pie sales with pre-market pie cutting


Summer Servant Event - 2024
Our Youth did a Servant Event with youth from other churches

Our youth worked on projects at Camp and enjoyed the great outdoors incluing lake fun, camp recreation, campfire devotions, Bible studies and so much more!

Water of Life    Servant Event   at Heit's Point 

Thanks to all who served and for all who supported our youth!

Youth Summer Trip
We had an amazing experience at Camp Concordia in Michigan June 24-30

Our youth teamed up with 5 other groups to serve in work projects to improve Camp Concordia buidlings, but we also enjoyed all the fun activities at camp!  We grew in our faith through BIble Studies, Devotions and singing around the camp fire! Thanks to all who participated and everyone who supports our youth!

Church t-shirts are for sale as another way of supporting our youth ministry!

Youth Lenten Meal

Thanks for your support!

So many wonderful dishes with a variety of flavors were enjoyed by our Lenten worshippers.  There were many compliments from participants, and our youth worked hard setting-up, serving and cleaning and putting away.  Thank you for your support!  This was not only a fundraiser, but a way of serving our congregation and sharing what our youth ministry is all about.

We had 6 youth spend a weekend dedicated to growing as a teen leader!

On Saturday through Monday (Feb. 18-20) our youth had an amazing weekend growing in their faith, growing as a leader, learning practical leadership skills, and learning methods that will help them share their faith and care for their neighbor.

Youth Gathering
In All Things - 2022 LCMS Gathering

We had an amazing Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas 

20,000 participants

1,200 congregations registered

34 Districts and 44 states (including some international groups)

Youth Gathering Report
Thanks for your support!

Our group of Aria, Christin, Constansa, Lana, Luca, James, Mathias, Amanda and Mark survived the Houston heat and our travel went well.  Certainly the mass events were powerful to see around 20,000 youth singing hymns and songs of praise together. We grew closer as a group and made friends and connections with people from all over.  Of course the games were one way that happened, from 9Square to volleyball to many and various games and challenges.  The food part was most difficult, with so many others trying to get food one location prices and lines were crazy.  Please ask one or more of the participants about their experience.  I’d love for you to hear directly from them!  Thank you and the whole congregation for your wonderful and generous support!